Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nicorette's Reduce To Quit Quiz

I've been browsing around the web for smoking and quit smoking links. I came across this neat quiz by the company, Nicorette:

"My Smoking Reduction Plan" page. This is a quiz for people preparing to quit smoking and is a quiz about "what kind of smoker are you?"

There are questions to answer about when you smoke/first cigarette of the day, whether or not your friends are also smokers, how much nicotine your current cigarette brand has in it, and what you believe might be the most important part of a 'quit smoking' plan.


  1. The first important thing about quitting is to use other devices like the portable vaporizers or any such alternative and next is to have a strong mind set up to quit smoke.

  2. The most important plan for quit smoking plan is the will power an determination without this 2 it is difficult to quit smoking.
